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Tymon Park

School Transport Resources
As well as the external contractors employed by CIE who work alongside us here at Setanta, we also have two 16 seater minibuses of our own. These buses are used to bring classes on a variety of fieldtrips with each class having the use of a school bus on a weekly basis. The class trips are used to promote a whole host of independent living skills as well as making the community at large more aware of ASD. Our school buses are also used to transport our pupils and staff to weekly activities such as swimming. Along with our own school buses and staff who drive them, Setanta has at it's disposal other buses and drivers that it can utilise in order to facilitate classes on their trips.
Where possible, Setanta School also encourages the use of public transport on trip days especially during Summer Camp. Our pupils have access to public transport and where appropriate are encouraged to use it for outings.
Where possible, Setanta School also encourages the use of public transport on trip days especially during Summer Camp. Our pupils have access to public transport and where appropriate are encouraged to use it for outings.

Setanta Home Economics Room
Our Home Economics room is used by our pupils throughout the week. They practice the preparation of simple meals, snacks and treats. It provides pupils with the skill sets to decide what they want to cook and eat, to gather and measure the food correctly and to clean up after themselves, all in a safe environment. The kitchen skills learnt in the Home Economics room will help increase pupils' independant living skills.

Setanta Classrooms
Throughout Setanta School, classrooms are constantly developing and changing to suit the individual needs of each pupil within that class at any given time. Classroom layout and content are changed according to pupils' abilities and to facilitate the best possible environment for teaching them their curriculum and SESS skills.

Table Tennis
Exercise is important for everyone and especially for students with ASD as they tend to live sedentary lives. The pupils enjoy playing table tennis and using the trampolines in our yard. Each class also holds their own P.E class at least one day a week. We also do lovely walks around Tymon Park each day. As well as the obvious physical benefits of exercise, a workout can play an integral role in the calming procedures for some of our pupils.

Yoga Time

Online Yoga Class
Pupils get to take part in an online yoga class, many even doing it every day. We find that by doing the yoga early in the morning it has a wonderful calming effect on the pupils and is a lovely way to start the day.

Monkstown Swimming Pool
Setanta currently uses Monkstown DLR Swimming Pool once a week. Most of our pupils participate in swimming lessons appropriate for their level, some are given the freedom to simply enjoy the experience of being in the pools themselves. The swimming sessions are an excellent means to keep pupils active and healthy, to improve their motor coordination and to participate in group activities.


Setanta School Yard

Setanta School Yard
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